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<span class="asvg__label show-for-sr">Davidson College</span>
{% if asvg is not empty or block('svg_object') is not empty %}
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{% endif %}
  "asvg": {
    "pattern": "@logo",
    "alt_text": "Davidson College"
  • Content:
    .asvg {
    .newcity-logo svg {
      // Newcity Logo is 62 x 101, so the height is 1.629032258 the width
      width: 10rem;
      height: 16.29rem;
    .newcity-logo-horizontal svg {
      // Newcity Vertical log is 159 x 54, so the height is 2.9444444 the width
      width: 10rem;
      height: 2.944444rem;
    .newcity-logo-vertical svg {
      // Newcity Vertical log is 115 x 108, so the height is 1.064814815 the width
      width: 10rem;
      height: 10.648rem;
    .newcity-logo-wordmark svg {
      // Newcity Logo is 115 x 15, so the height is .130434783 the width
      width: 10rem;
      height: 1.3rem;
  • URL: /components/raw/asvg/asvg.scss
  • Filesystem Path: patterns/molecules/media/asvg/asvg.scss
  • Size: 573 Bytes

Accessible SVGs

This is a pattern for including inline code for SVGs. SVGs included this way are very handy in some ways; for example, the fill can inherit the current color of an element (with fill=currentColor), or parts of the SVG can be targeted with style sheets.

Accessibility and scaling is a bit of a bear, however.


I’ve taken the research described at Simply Accessible and used that to make sure graphics provided by inline SVG are reliably announced to browsers. The typical way (aria-labeledby) or the expected way (title apparently don’t work in all screen readers. Instead, we place the SVG in a container flagged as aria-hidden so it is ignored by screen readers, then provide alternative text via content that is hidden from screen display only.


SVG scaling is counter-intuitive. Excellent discussion how and why here. The upshot if it is that you will need to create styles that explicitly define height and width, either as precise measurements (px, em, rem) or more relative measurements (vh, vw, vmin). If you use vh or vw, make sure you use the same unit for both the height and the width to ensure the units stay the same size in both dimension, otherwise you won’t get a reliable aspect ratio. This is really only useful for design elements that are SVG and you can more or less pin down a range of sizes for. The width: 100%; height: auto; trick you do with images simply doesn’t work.