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                                        <span class="headline-group__head">Collection Headline</span>


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                                                        <time datetime="2023-08-24" class="">
        August 24, 2023
                                                        <span class="taxonomy">Super Long Taxonomy Tag</span>

                                                    <h3 class="headline-group teaser__headline-group">

                                                        <span class="headline-group__head">Short headline for the first teaser</span>


                                                    <p class="">
                                                        <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the
                                                        various populated centers.
                                        <div class="teaser ">
                                            <a href="" class="block-link">
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                                                    <div class="content-meta">
                                                        <time datetime="2023-08-24" class="">
        August 24, 2023
                                                        <span class="taxonomy">Short Tag</span>

                                                    <h3 class="headline-group teaser__headline-group">

                                                        <span class="headline-group__head">This is a teaser headline that is very long with lots of words, probably with more words than a headline should have, even though that happens sometimes</span>


                                                    <p class="">
                                                        Short description for this teaser. Lorem ipsum dolor.
                                        <div class="teaser ">
                                            <a href="" class="block-link">
                                                <div class="teaser__content">
                                                    <div class="content-meta">
                                                        <time datetime="2023-08-24" class="">
        August 24, 2023
                                                        <span class="taxonomy">Taxonomy Tag</span>

                                                    <h3 class="headline-group teaser__headline-group">

                                                        <span class="headline-group__head">Teaser with a long description</span>


                                                    <p class="">
                                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor
                                                        in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
                                        <div class="teaser ">
                                            <a href="" class="block-link">
                                                <div class="teaser__content">
                                                    <div class="content-meta">
                                                        <time datetime="2023-08-24" class="">
        August 24, 2023
                                                        <span class="taxonomy">Short Tag</span>

                                                    <h3 class="headline-group teaser__headline-group">

                                                        <span class="headline-group__head">Teaser with a long word in the headline antidisestablishmentarianism</span>


                                                    <p class="">
                                                        <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the
                                                        various populated centers.
                                        <div class="teaser ">
                                            <a href="http://www.example.com" class="block-link">
                                                <div class="teaser__content">
                                                    <div class="content-meta">
                                                        <time datetime="2023-08-24" class="">
        August 24, 2023
                                                        <span class="taxonomy">Taxonomy Tag</span>

                                                    <div class="headline-group teaser__headline-group">

                                                        <span class="headline-group__head">This the teaser headline, which can often be somewhat long, detailed, and wordy</span>



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      "citation": "Edgar Rice Burroughs, <em>Princess of Mars</em>"
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      "citation": "Edgar Rice Burroughs, <em>Princess of Mars</em>"
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          "citation": "Alfred E. Newman"
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          "citation": "Alfred E. Newman"
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          "citation": "Alfred E. Newman"
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          "content": "<strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers."
        "cite": {
          "citation": "Alfred E. Newman"
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There are no notes for this item.