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                <div class="slab ">
                    <div class="slab__wrapper">
                            <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                <p class="">
                                    <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated

                <div class="slab slab--narrow">
                    <div class="slab__wrapper">
                        <p class="intro">
                            Intro text for this story goes here and looks like this. Use this area to introduce the story's concepts or provide a summary. Praesent sapien lectus, lobortis vitae molestie quis, bibendum sit amet neque. Phasellus auctor justo in nunc interdum dictum.

                <div class="slab slab--narrow">
                    <div class="slab__wrapper">
                        <div class="with-sidebar with-sidebar--major-left-small-sidebar">
                            <div class="with-sidebar__main">
                                <div class="news-story">
                                    <div class="editorial">
                                        <div class="editorial editorial--aside-left">
                                                    <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                                        <p class="">
                                                            <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits
                                                            to the various populated centers.
                                                Curabitur ut congue arcu. Cras porta mauris dolor, congue sagittis arcu sollicitudin in. Ut finibus mattis bibendum. Morbi volutpat risus sit amet leo lacinia, nec tincidunt nunc finibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
                                                posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent vitae sem ultrices nibh gravida consequat. Integer ultricies, tellus at fermentum volutpat, felis felis vestibulum nibh, ac bibendum nisi lacus vitae lorem.
                                                Nunc eu condimentum diam, a suscipit libero. Vestibulum dapibus nisl felis, vel semper ex euismod quis.
                                            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas neque ut enim accumsan, at laoreet eros gravida. Duis bibendum dapibus massa, laoreet viverra orci vulputate quis. Vestibulum convallis mi nec egestas dictum.
                                        <h3>News Story Heading</h3>
                                            Suspendisse blandit tortor ligula, id dictum lacus vestibulum eget. Vestibulum elementum, elit non pellentesque dignissim, augue odio tincidunt lacus, et tincidunt lectus justo id ante. Proin eu ex nisl. Nullam ac tortor ut nisi aliquam tristique. Vivamus
                                            vel suscipit metus. Ut id dui dictum nulla tincidunt mollis tempus nec velit. Aliquam a commodo sapien. Sed tincidunt, velit a viverra ornare, sapien dui euismod leo, eu viverra magna mauris vitae enim. In id
                                            nulla eu elit tristique egestas at nec ipsum. Nullam in mattis mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
                                            <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                                <p class="">
                                                    <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various
                                                    populated centers.
                                            Curabitur ut congue arcu. Cras porta mauris dolor, congue sagittis arcu sollicitudin in. Ut finibus mattis bibendum. Morbi volutpat risus sit amet leo lacinia, nec tincidunt nunc finibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
                                            posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent vitae sem ultrices nibh gravida consequat. Integer ultricies, tellus at fermentum volutpat, felis felis vestibulum nibh, ac bibendum nisi lacus vitae lorem.
                                            Nunc eu condimentum diam, a suscipit libero. Vestibulum dapibus nisl felis, vel semper ex euismod quis.

                                        <h3> Another Heading</h3>
                                            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas neque ut enim accumsan, at laoreet eros gravida. Duis bibendum dapibus massa, laoreet viverra orci vulputate quis. Vestibulum convallis mi nec egestas dictum.
                                        <div class="pullquote ">
                                            <div class="pullquote__quote">
                                                <p class="">
                                                    <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various
                                                    populated centers.
                                            <div class="pullquote__meta">
                                                <cite>Edgar Rice Burroughs, <em>Princess of Mars</em></cite>
                                            Suspendisse blandit tortor ligula, id dictum lacus vestibulum eget. Vestibulum elementum, elit non pellentesque dignissim, augue odio tincidunt lacus, et tincidunt lectus justo id ante. Proin eu ex nisl. Nullam ac tortor ut nisi aliquam tristique. Vivamus
                                            vel suscipit metus. Ut id dui dictum nulla tincidunt mollis tempus nec velit. Aliquam a commodo sapien. Sed tincidunt, velit a viverra ornare, sapien dui euismod leo, eu viverra magna mauris vitae enim. In id
                                            nulla eu elit tristique egestas at nec ipsum. Nullam in mattis mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
                                        <div class="editorial editorial--aside-right">
                                                    <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                                        <p class="">
                                                            <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits
                                                            to the various populated centers.
                                                Curabitur ut congue arcu. Cras porta mauris dolor, congue sagittis arcu sollicitudin in. Ut finibus mattis bibendum. Morbi volutpat risus sit amet leo lacinia, nec tincidunt nunc finibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
                                                posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent vitae sem ultrices nibh gravida consequat. Integer ultricies, tellus at fermentum volutpat, felis felis vestibulum nibh, ac bibendum nisi lacus vitae lorem.
                                                Nunc eu condimentum diam, a suscipit libero. Vestibulum dapibus nisl felis, vel semper ex euismod quis.
                                        <div class="editorial editorial--aside-left">
                                                    <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                                        <p class="">
                                                            <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits
                                                            to the various populated centers.
                                                Curabitur ut congue arcu. Cras porta mauris dolor, congue sagittis arcu sollicitudin in. Ut finibus mattis bibendum. Morbi volutpat risus sit amet leo lacinia, nec tincidunt nunc finibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
                                                posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent vitae sem ultrices nibh gravida consequat. Integer ultricies, tellus at fermentum volutpat, felis felis vestibulum nibh, ac bibendum nisi lacus vitae lorem.
                                                Nunc eu condimentum diam, a suscipit libero. Vestibulum dapibus nisl felis, vel semper ex euismod quis.
                                            Curabitur ut congue arcu. Cras porta mauris dolor, congue sagittis arcu sollicitudin in. Ut finibus mattis bibendum. Morbi volutpat risus sit amet leo lacinia, nec tincidunt nunc finibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
                                            posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent vitae sem ultrices nibh gravida consequat. Integer ultricies, tellus at fermentum volutpat, felis felis vestibulum nibh, ac bibendum nisi lacus vitae lorem.
                                            Nunc eu condimentum diam, a suscipit libero. Vestibulum dapibus nisl felis, vel semper ex euismod quis.
                            <div class="with-sidebar__sidebar">
                                <div class="meta-collection ">
                                    <h2 class="">
                                        <span class="heading__text">Published</span>

                                        <li><time datetime="2023-08-24" class="">
        Thursday, Aug 24, 2023
                                    <h2 class="">
                                        <span class="heading__text">Category</span>

                                        <li><span class="taxonomy">Taxonomy Tag</span>
                                        <li><span class="taxonomy">Another Tag</span>
                                        <li><span class="taxonomy">Third Taxonomy Tag</span>
                                    <h2 class="">
                                        <span class="heading__text">Contact</span>

                                        <li><a href="http://example.com" class="">John Doe</a>
                                        <li><a href="http://example.com" class="">Jane Doe</a>

                <div class="slab ">
                    <div class="slab__wrapper">
                        <div class="slab__header">
                            <div class="section-intro">
                                <h2 class="headline-group ">

                                    <span class="headline-group__head">Photo Gallery</span>


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                            <div class="block ">
                                <div class="block__content">
                                        <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                            <p class="">
                                                <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various
                                                populated centers.
                                            <cite>Alfred E. Newman</cite>
                            <div class="block ">
                                <div class="block__content">
                                        <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                            <p class="">
                                                <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various
                                                populated centers.
                                            <cite>Alfred E. Newman</cite>
                            <div class="block ">
                                <div class="block__content">
                                        <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                            <p class="">
                                                <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various
                                                populated centers.
                                            <cite>Alfred E. Newman</cite>
                            <div class="block ">
                                <div class="block__content">
                                        <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                            <p class="">
                                                <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various
                                                populated centers.
                                            <cite>Alfred E. Newman</cite>
                            <div class="block ">
                                <div class="block__content">
                                        <img src="https://magicyeti.us/800/600/davidson" alt="Placeholder image. This should be real alt text when implemented." class="" />
                                            <p class="">
                                                <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various
                                                populated centers.
                                            <cite>Alfred E. Newman</cite>

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    "content": "<strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers."
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      "content": "At other points, Lem’s beautiful prose rife with poetic imagery manages to defy two translations; his sense of action and tension are never questionable, and his pacing—and philosophical insight—is sublime. The novel keeps you thinking at all times, questioning Rheya’s reality, wondering the phantoms’ purpose, watching the devastation they level on Kelvin as he struggles to answer those questions. Plus, the guy has to deal with his memory of Rheya: is there be love after life, can he start anew? But they’re not questions with easy answers—even the one Kelvin comes up with at the end of the novel is complex and open-ended—and the questions themselves forecast a bleak outcome from the beginning."
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    "cite": {
      "citation": "Edgar Rice Burroughs, <em>Princess of Mars</em>"
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      "content": "<strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers."
    "cite": {
      "citation": "Edgar Rice Burroughs, <em>Princess of Mars</em>"
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          "citation": "Alfred E. Newman"
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          "content": "<strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers."
        "cite": {
          "citation": "Alfred E. Newman"
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          "content": "<strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers."
        "cite": {
          "citation": "Alfred E. Newman"
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          "content": "<strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers."
        "cite": {
          "citation": "Alfred E. Newman"
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There are no notes for this item.