<div class="table-wrapper editorial ">

    <table class="table--content tablesaw tablesaw-stack" data-tablesaw-mode="stack">
        <caption>This is the table caption. It should be included, even if it is not visible, for accessibility purposes.</caption>
                <th scope="col">Row Labels</th>
                <th class="align-right" scope="col">Some Numbers</th>
                <th class="align-center" scope="col">Tag</th>
                <th scope="col">Too Much Text</th>
                <th scope="col">Yet More Text</th>
                <th scope="row">Row Label One</th>
                <td class="align-right">10,000</td>
                <td class="align-center">Lorem</td>
                <td>Suspendisse mollis nunc et magna laoreet, vitae egestas metus faucibus. Vivamus sed efficitur odio, eu ultricies odio. Aenean blandit auctor.</td>
                <td>Sed vestibulum aliquam orci, nec.</td>
                <th scope="row">Row Label Two</th>
                <td class="align-right">50¢</td>
                <td class="align-center">Ipsum</td>
                <td>Vivamus a pellentesque libero. Maecenas consequat mollis metus in gravida. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur.</td>
                <td>In dui libero, tempus quis.</td>
                <th scope="row">Row Label Three</th>
                <td class="align-right">14.67</td>
                <td class="align-center">Dolor</td>
                <td>Aliquam eget dolor cursus, suscipit massa id, lobortis eros. Cras ac hendrerit est, eu mattis mi. Donec posuere, nisl in.</td>
                <td>Praesent libero mauris, laoreet id.</td>
                <th scope="row">Row Label Four</th>
                <td class="align-right">22</td>
                <td class="align-center">Sit</td>
                <td>Integer auctor posuere porta. Sed nibh odio, maximus ut justo sed, dignissim fringilla lacus. Praesent in dignissim urna, ac venenatis.</td>
                <td>In hac habitasse platea dictumst.</td>
                <th scope="row">Row Label Five</th>
                <td class="align-right">12,345,678</td>
                <td class="align-center">Amet</td>
                <td>Vestibulum eleifend rutrum sapien, id eleifend lorem scelerisque sit amet. Maecenas ultrices sem ut purus imperdiet vulputate. Aliquam at tortor.</td>
                <td>Curabitur et sem quam. Aliquam.</td>

    <table class="table--content tablesaw tablesaw-stack" data-tablesaw-mode="stack">
        <caption>This is the table caption. It should be included, even if it is not visible, for accessibility purposes.</caption>
                <th scope="col">Row Labels</th>
                <th class="align-right" scope="col">Some Numbers</th>
                <th class="align-center" scope="col">Tag</th>
                <th scope="col">Too Much Text</th>
                <th scope="col">Yet More Text</th>
                <th scope="row">Row Label One</th>
                <td class="align-right">10,000</td>
                <td class="align-center">Lorem</td>
                <td>Suspendisse mollis nunc et magna laoreet, vitae egestas metus faucibus. Vivamus sed efficitur odio, eu ultricies odio. Aenean blandit auctor.</td>
                <td>Sed vestibulum aliquam orci, nec.</td>
                <th scope="row">Row Label Two</th>
                <td class="align-right">50¢</td>
                <td class="align-center">Ipsum</td>
                <td>Vivamus a pellentesque libero. Maecenas consequat mollis metus in gravida. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur.</td>
                <td>In dui libero, tempus quis.</td>
                <th scope="row">Row Label Three</th>
                <td class="align-right">14.67</td>
                <td class="align-center">Dolor</td>
                <td>Aliquam eget dolor cursus, suscipit massa id, lobortis eros. Cras ac hendrerit est, eu mattis mi. Donec posuere, nisl in.</td>
                <td>Praesent libero mauris, laoreet id.</td>
                <th scope="row">Row Label Four</th>
                <td class="align-right">22</td>
                <td class="align-center">Sit</td>
                <td>Integer auctor posuere porta. Sed nibh odio, maximus ut justo sed, dignissim fringilla lacus. Praesent in dignissim urna, ac venenatis.</td>
                <td>In hac habitasse platea dictumst.</td>
                <th scope="row">Row Label Five</th>
                <td class="align-right">12,345,678</td>
                <td class="align-center">Amet</td>
                <td>Vestibulum eleifend rutrum sapien, id eleifend lorem scelerisque sit amet. Maecenas ultrices sem ut purus imperdiet vulputate. Aliquam at tortor.</td>
                <td>Curabitur et sem quam. Aliquam.</td>
{% if table is empty or block('table_body') is empty %}
<div class="table-wrapper editorial {{ table.responsive_strategy }}">
	{% for instance in 1 .. table.count|default(1) %}
	<table class="{{ table.variant }}" {% if 'tablesaw' in table.variant %}data-tablesaw-mode="stack"{% endif %}>
		<caption>{{ table.caption }}</caption>
		{% block table_head %}
					<th scope="col">Row Labels</th>
					<th class="align-right" scope="col">Some Numbers</th>
					<th class="align-center" scope="col">Tag</th>
					<th scope="col">Too Much Text</th>
					<th scope="col">Yet More Text</th>
		{% endblock %}
		{% block table_body %}
					<th scope="row">Row Label One</th>
					<td class="align-right">10,000</td>
					<td class="align-center">Lorem</td>
					<td>Suspendisse mollis nunc et magna laoreet, vitae egestas metus faucibus. Vivamus sed efficitur odio, eu ultricies odio. Aenean blandit auctor.</td>
					<td>Sed vestibulum aliquam orci, nec.</td>
					<th scope="row">Row Label Two</th>
					<td class="align-right">50¢</td>
					<td class="align-center">Ipsum</td>
					<td>Vivamus a pellentesque libero. Maecenas consequat mollis metus in gravida. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur.</td>
					<td>In dui libero, tempus quis.</td>
					<th scope="row">Row Label Three</th>
					<td class="align-right">14.67</td>
					<td class="align-center">Dolor</td>
					<td>Aliquam eget dolor cursus, suscipit massa id, lobortis eros. Cras ac hendrerit est, eu mattis mi. Donec posuere, nisl in.</td>
					<td>Praesent libero mauris, laoreet id.</td>
					<th scope="row">Row Label Four</th>
					<td class="align-right">22</td>
					<td class="align-center">Sit</td>
					<td>Integer auctor posuere porta. Sed nibh odio, maximus ut justo sed, dignissim fringilla lacus. Praesent in dignissim urna, ac venenatis.</td>
					<td>In hac habitasse platea dictumst.</td>
					<th scope="row">Row Label Five</th>
					<td class="align-right">12,345,678</td>
					<td class="align-center">Amet</td>
					<td>Vestibulum eleifend rutrum sapien, id eleifend lorem scelerisque sit amet. Maecenas ultrices sem ut purus imperdiet vulputate. Aliquam at tortor.</td>
					<td>Curabitur et sem quam. Aliquam.</td>
		{% endblock %}
	{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
  "table": {
    "caption": "This is the table caption. It should be included, even if it is not visible, for accessibility purposes.",
    "variant": "table--content tablesaw tablesaw-stack",
    "count": 2
  • Content:
    table {
      margin-bottom: 2rem;
    .editorial {
      table: {
        // margin-bottom: 1rem;
    .editorial {
      table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
        td {
          padding: rr-gridbase(2);
        th {
          &:first-child {
            text-align: left;
        thead {
          tr {
            &:last-child {
              th {
                border-bottom: 3px color(gray-light) double;
        tbody {
          tr {
            border-bottom: 1px color(gray-lighter) solid;
        caption {
          padding: {
            top: rr-gridbase(2);
            bottom: rr-gridbase(2);
          font-style: italic;
          caption-side: bottom;
        &.table--stripe {
          tbody {
            tr {
              &:nth-child(odd) {
                background-color: color(gray-lightest);
      &.table-wrapper--overflow {
        max-width: 100%;
        overflow: auto;
      &.table-wrapper--columnize {
        table {
          width: 100%;
        thead {
          display: none;
        tbody tr {
          // border-bottom: 4px color(davidson-white) solid;
        td {
          display: block;
          border-width: 0;
          &.align-right {
            text-align: initial;
        .responsive-label {
          display: inline;
          font-weight: 500;
          &::after {
            content: ': ';
        @supports (display: grid) {
          tr {
            display: grid;
            grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(200px, 1fr));
            grid-gap: 4px;
            th {
              grid-column: 1 / -1;
        @include rr-break-directive(l) {
          thead {
            display: table-header-group;
          tr {
            display: table-row;
          td {
            display: table-cell;
            padding-top: rr-gridbase(2);
            padding-bottom: rr-gridbase(2);
            border-width: 4px;
            &.align-right {
              text-align: right;
          tbody tr {
            // border-bottom-width: 0;
          .responsive-label {
            display: none;
    .photo-table {
      td {
        vertical-align: top;
        &:first-child {
          padding-right: 1rem;
          img {
            min-width: rem(100px);
      &.photo-table--flipped {
        td {
          &:last-child {
            padding-left: 1rem;
            img {
              min-width: rem(100px);
  • URL: /components/raw/table/table.scss
  • Filesystem Path: patterns/molecules/text/table/table.scss
  • Size: 2.5 KB
  • Content:
    jQuery(document).ready( () => {
  • URL: /components/raw/table/table-init.js
  • Filesystem Path: patterns/molecules/text/table/table-init.js
  • Size: 64 Bytes
  • Content:
    const responsive_grid_table = () => {
      const $table_columnize = $('.table-wrapper--columnize');
      const $table_tablesaw = $('.tablesaw');
      if ($table_columnize.length < 1 && $table_tablesaw.length < 1) return;
      if ($table_columnize.length >= 1) {
        const headers = $table_columnize.find('thead th').map((i, v) => {
          return v.innerText;
        const rows = $table_columnize.find('tbody tr').map((i, v) => {
          $(v).find('th,td').map((p, q) => {
            const $cell = $(q);
            if ($cell.is('td')) {
              $cell.prepend('<div class="responsive-label">' + headers[p] + '</div>');
      if ($table_tablesaw.length >= 1) {
  • URL: /components/raw/table/table.js
  • Filesystem Path: patterns/molecules/text/table/table.js
  • Size: 703 Bytes

Title: Table

Table styles. Tables in an .editorial container will get these styles automatically, otherwise the table requires the content-table class. This way default browser table styles are not affected.

To be responsive, tables require a wrapper. There are two responsive strategies:

1) For data-intensive or huge tables, the table-wrapper--overflow style lets tables maintain their row-column relationships; the whole table is visible on small screens by scrolling in two axis.

2) The table-wrapper--columnize table fits tds to a grid; columns increase based on the available space. If the browser does not support grid, each td takes up a row. The thead is hidden, but the column headers in the thead are prepended to the content of each td if the included responsive-table.js file is included. (If it is not, the table is slightly less accessible but will still work).

For best results for #2, the thead should be a single row and no th should span more than one column; the cell labeling algorithm is pretty naïve.