
<div class="js-tabs tabs--standard" id="TabGroup-405ope1kllpc96h4">
    <ul class="js-tablist">
        <li class="js-tablist__item">
            <a href="#tabone" id="label_tabone">Tab One</a>
        <li class="js-tablist__item">
            <a href="#tabtwo" id="label_tabtwo">Tab Two</a>
        <li class="js-tablist__item">
            <a href="#tabthree" id="label_tabthree">Tab Three</a>

    <div id="tabone" class="js-tabcontent tabs__content">
        <p class="">
            <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers.
    <div id="tabtwo" class="js-tabcontent tabs__content">
        <p class="">
            <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers.
    <div id="tabthree" class="js-tabcontent tabs__content">
        <p class="">
            <strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers.
{% set js_tabs_classes = [ 'js-tabs', tabs.variant ] %} 
{% set js_tabs_id = "TabGroup-"|uniqid %}
<div class="{{ js_tabs_classes|join(' ') }}" id="{{ js_tabs_id }}">
    <ul class="js-tablist">
        {% for item in tabs.items %}
            <li class="js-tablist__item">
                <a href="#{{ }}" id="label_{{ }}">{{ item.label }}</a>
        {% endfor %}
        {# }
        {% block tabs_tabs %}
            {% for item in tabs.items %}
                {% include '@tab-tab' with { tab_target : "tab_" ~ i, tab_label : "Tab " ~ i } %}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endblock %}
    {% for item in tabs.items %}
        <div id="{{ }}" class="js-tabcontent tabs__content">
            {% include item.pattern %}
    {% endfor %}
  "p": {
    "content": "<strong>The water which supplies the farms of Mars</strong> is collected in immense underground reservoirs <em>at either pole</em> from the melting ice caps, and pumped through long conduits to the various populated centers."
  "tabs": {
    "variant": "tabs--standard",
    "items": [
        "target": "tabone",
        "label": "Tab One",
        "pattern": "@p"
        "target": "tabtwo",
        "label": "Tab Two",
        "pattern": "@p"
        "target": "tabthree",
        "label": "Tab Three",
        "pattern": "@p"
  • Content:
    .js-tablist {
      display: flex;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      list-style: none;
    .js-tablist__item {
      flex: 1 1 100%;
      a {
        @include link-fancy;
        @include rr-font-compute(l, tight);
        display: block;
        padding: rr-gridbase(2);
        background-color: color(gray-lightest);
        color: color(dark-teal);
        &:after {
          display: none;
        &:active {
          color: color(davidson-red);
          text-decoration: none;
        &:focus {
          text-decoration: underline;
        &[aria-selected='true'] {
          background-color: color(gray-lightest);
          color: color(davidson-red);
          &:active {
            color: color(davidson-red);
    .js-tabcontent {
      padding: rr-gridbase(2);
      background-color: color(gray-lightest);
      &[aria-hidden='true'] {
        display: none;
      @include rr-break-directive(m) {
        padding: rr-gridbase(3);
      @include rr-break-directive(l) {
        padding: rr-gridbase(4);
  • URL: /components/raw/tabs/tabs.scss
  • Filesystem Path: patterns/organisms/interactive/tabs/tabs.scss
  • Size: 985 Bytes

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